IGIC Lunch & Learn: GeoPermits

Lunch and Learn

Join your fellow IGIC members for the January 2021 Lunch & Learn: GeoPermits.

GeoPermits™ is a web-based technology that eliminates many challenges faced by local government organizations in managing permit applications, vendor registration, and code enforcement. It helps to track all types of permits throughout their life cycle by streamlining workflows, reducing or eliminating the need for office visits, increasing and automating communication and information access to all involved parties, and allowing for online payments. This solution is becoming an extremely popular choice for organizations across the country. The software enables you to track your permitting process in real time, 24/7, interactively edit maps and integrates with Beacon/qPublic.net’s data. GeoPermits™ requires no additional software, reduces time, and improves efficiencies.

In the presentation, Ryan will share how Boone County, Iowa has used this solution for the last 2 years as well.

Join our online Lunch & Learn: Permits on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, at noon as Ryan Smith and Penny Vossler present.

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