IGIC Lunch & Learn: Using Slack

Lunch and Learn

Join your fellow IGIC members for the December 2020 Lunch & Learn: Using Slack.


Have you joined the new Iowa Geographic Information Council Slack group yet? Not sure how to get started? Want to contribute to its development?

Join our online Lunch & Learn: Using Slack session on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, at noon as Micah Cutler and Matt Boeck discuss IGIC’s new Slack online community.

This will be a discussion-based Lunch & Learn and we encourage all participants to offer their insights and suggestions.

Webex Meeting Information

Meeting number (access code): 120 685 5685
Meeting password: dDwiqPpi878

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+1-312-535-8110 United States Toll (Chicago)
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Join from a video system or application
Dial 1206855685@iastate.webex.com
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